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Report: The OECD's Tax Break for Tech Giants



Canada has just signed onto an OECD agreement that will give tech giants a massive tax break compared to what they would pay through Digital Services Taxes to many countries, including Canada. This agreement will then go for further approval to the G20 Finance Ministers meeting on 13 October and to the G20 Leaders Summit at the end of this month. 

Provinces must play a role in fair taxation

All governments in Canada will face challenging fiscal circumstances over the next few years because the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in appropriate but very significant deficits.   Governments will need additional revenues to fund a stronger, more inclusive recovery, as well as deal with urgent crises like inequality and climate change. However, recent provincial budgets already include significant real spending cuts and “restraint” – the opposite of what is required. Inadequate public spending will be economically and socially damaging and contrary to what a majority of Canadians want — which are substantial improvements to public services and programs like affordable housing, eldercare and education. ...

Legendary activist Murray Dobbin: Canada loses a writer, fighter and friend

Canada lost one of its greatest progressive activists, thinkers, writers, political commentators and organizers earlier this month.  Murray Dobbin, the founding president of Canadians for Tax Fairness—our longest serving board member—and a giant of the Canadian left, died on 8 September after a long struggle with cancer. He was far ahead of his time in his concern for and activism about tax justice, equality, democracy, public services and controlling the power of corporations and the political and corporate elite.

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