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Polluters, Pay!

About this campaign

Canadian governments give away billions of taxpayer dollars every year in subsidies and special tax treatment to the fossil fuel industry, while it makes record profits and worsens the enormous long-term costs of the climate crisis.

Tax the Rich

About this campaign

Currently, the super-rich pay a smaller proportion of their income and wealth in taxes than the rest of us, while the richest 1% of the population controls 25% of Canada's wealth.

Nine out of ten Canadians, across Party lines, support our calls for a wealth tax on the richest Canadians, and increasing the tax rate on the highest incomes.

Report: Analysis of the 2022 Federal Budget



Budget 2022 took some steps in the right direction for tax fairness, especially for corporate transparency. However, it will raise only a fraction of potential revenue from the most profitable corporations, richest individuals and biggest polluters, while leaving major tax loopholes wide open.

Rather than fulfilling numerous Liberals promises on fair taxation made since 2015, Budget 2022 makes more promises to “review” and “study” ways to solve problems for which there are  obvious and effective solutions that could be implemented immediately.


Report: The Rise of Corporate Profits in the Time of Covid




1. Canadian corporate profit margins skyrocketed in 2021.

  • From 2002 to 2019, corporate profit margins averaged 9%. In 2021, they were 16%.
  • Extreme profit margins drove profits per firm up by 68% over 2019.
  • More than 90% of the increase in sales revenue per firm was profit.

2. Profit margins have soared for both commodity and non-commodity companies.

DT Cochrane

Dr. DT Cochrane has graduate degrees in economics, and social and political thought. His research and publications have covered a range of topics including pipeline finance, big tech, and corporate power. Raised on a Saskatchewan ranch, he now lives in Peterborough with his partner and children. When not figuring out new ways to use pivot tables, he can be found reading fiction, taking photos, enjoying the outdoors.

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