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End tax loopholes to fix the housing crisis!
Canadians are suffering from an ongoing housing crisis. While home ownership is increasingly out of reach for multiple generations, average rent prices are outpacing the cost of living, which is contributing to poverty, intimate partner violence,… More about End tax loopholes to fix the housing crisis!
Close the capital gains loophole, now!
The capital gains exclusion loophole has unfairly advantaged wealthy Canadians for far too long. Since 2000, investors only pay taxes on 50% of their income from the sale of investments, while workers pay taxes on 100% of their earnings. No… More about Close the capital gains loophole, now!
Canadians agree: Tax the Rich!
While everyday Canadians struggle to make ends meet, the wealthiest among us have seen their fortunes grow exponentially. Our recent report on affordability in Canada shows that since 1982, the cost of living has outpaced pre-tax income for the… More about Canadians agree: Tax the Rich!
Canada, Implement the DST Now!
Canada has been slowly moving towards creating a digital services tax for years. In 2019, each of our major political parties had some form of a DST in their election platforms. The vast majority of Canadians agree: big tech should pay tax on their… More about Canada, Implement the DST Now!
Time for a tax system that delivers on equality and climate action
The biggest contributors to climate change have benefitted from a tax system that has allowed environmental costs to be downloaded and wealth to be concentrated at the top. Fossil fuel corporations have increased profits and economic power – in… More about Time for a tax system that delivers on equality and climate action
Three reasons Canada needs a windfall tax now
1. To curb corporate profiteering and redistribute excess profits to the public Research by Canadians for Tax Fairness and others has shown that large corporations have profited while households have faced higher prices everywhere from the grocery… More about Three reasons Canada needs a windfall tax now
Wealthy Canadians and corporations should pay to save the planet
Canada is spending $88 billion over ten years to transition to a lower-carbon economy, but it needs to spend much more to save lives and the planet. Experts project Canada will need to spend $570 billion over ten years on climate investments in… More about Wealthy Canadians and corporations should pay to save the planet
Tell Canada to tax excess profits
A new report by Canadians for Tax Fairness reveals large corporations in Canada received pandemic subsidies while boosting profits, avoiding billions in taxes, and making shareholders richer. We looked at 74 publicly listed companies that were found… More about Tell Canada to tax excess profits
How did Canada lose $30 billion to corporations?
Canada lost $30 billion dollars in tax revenue due to corporate tax avoidance by 123 of Canada’s biggest companies in 2021. The reasons for Canada’s $30 billion “tax gap” remain unclear due to a lack of corporate transparency. The usual statutory… More about How did Canada lose $30 billion to corporations?
Tell Minister Chrystia Freeland to tax windfall oil & gas profits, and help Canadians pay the bills!
The UN Secretary General has told governments around the world to tax the 'grotesque greed' of the world's oil and gas companies. More and more Canadians think it's time for a temporary windfall profits tax, and here’s why: While the cost of… More about Tell Minister Chrystia Freeland to tax windfall oil & gas profits, and help Canadians pay the bills!