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Canadians agree: Tax the Rich!

aisletwentytwo / Flickr


A pink and blue duotone photo of billionaires smiling and shaking hands with "Tax the rich" text over their eyes and a border of piles of money

While everyday Canadians struggle to make ends meet, the wealthiest among us have seen their fortunes grow exponentially.

Our recent report on affordability in Canada shows that since 1982, the cost of living has outpaced pre-tax income for the bottom half of earners. During that same period, the income of the top 0.01% grew six times faster than the bottom 50%. Wealth in Canada is not being shared fairly, leading to huge affordability woes for most.

While the income gap is extreme, the wealth gap is even worse: over the past 10 years, the richest 1% in Canada gained almost seven times more wealth than the bottom 50%.

In a 2021 Abacus poll, 88% of Canadians supported a wealth tax, so why haven’t we implemented one?

It’s the work of everyday Canadians that keeps our country running. A tax on the ultra-rich would ensure that our resources are shared more fairly to make life more affordable for everyone.

Send a message to Ottawa: Canadians demand a wealth tax, now!

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aisletwentytwo / Flickr