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Remembering Larry Gordon

16 September 2024

Image of Larry Gordon

We are saddened to learn of the passing of the founder of Canadians for Tax Fairness, Larry Gordon. Larry spearheaded the inception of C4TF in 2011 and was our first executive director. His vision of a Canada with genuine economic equality and his ability to bring people together to advocate for this has had a profound ripple effect on the lives of many and on progressive tax policy in our country.

While we didn’t all have the opportunity to work with Larry, we all deeply appreciate the key roles he played in various social justice movements nation-wide: advocating for electoral reform as the executive director of Fair Vote Canada, pushing for non-market housing as part of the co-op movement, and calling for peace through his involvement with anti-war efforts.

We are tremendously grateful for Larry’s trailblazing spirit, his commitment to a wide range of crucial causes, and, of course, his role in creating C4TF. We extend our condolences to his family, friends, and colleagues, and our deep thanks for the life he lived.

“Larry had a tremendous sense of humour and was incredibly creative. He did a great job of connecting people and he did not shrink at a challenge.” - Peter Bleyer, Director, C4TF

“Larry’s conviction that tax fairness was a fundamental issue that needed progressive Canadians and organizations to pay more attention to was visionary.” - Dennis Howlett, former executive director of C4TF

A celebration of Larry's life will be held on Sunday, October 27th , 2:30 - 5:00, program starting 3:00 at Neighbourhood Unitarian Universalist Congregation Sanctuary, Danforth Multifaith Commons, 310 Danforth, 2nd Fl (accessible); enter off of Jackman Avenue.

Heartfelt thanks to Larry's family for directing donations in his memory to C4TF. If you'd like to make a contribution, you can do so here.