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How can we improve our tax system for working Canadians?

How does our system protect the rich while exploiting working Canadians? C4TF former Executive Director Toby Sanger argues that stronger measures against tax dodgers, tackling tax havens, redistribution of CEO pay, and investment in public services over private partnerships would go a long way to strengthening Canada's economy.

Related: Platform for Tax Fairness 2021, by Toby Sanger

Report: Corporate Income Tax Freedom Day 2020




At a time when Canadian families are dealing with the hangover of bills and debts to pay after the holidays, corporate Canada has reason to celebrate.

Tuesday January 7th, 2020 at 8:56am is the time when Canadian corporations could have paid all their federal and provincial corporate income taxes out of their revenues for the year: “Corporate Income Tax Freedom Day.”

Unfair taxes help fuel exorbitant CEO pay packets

The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) annual CEO pay report reveals that a disturbing number of Canadian corporations now pay their top five executives more than they pay in corporate income tax.

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