Why donate to C4TF?
- We fight for you: hard-working, tax-paying Canadians, not the super-rich
- Governments are influenced by our research, bringing your tax burden down
- Journalists regularly consult our experts, getting tax truth into the public debate
- Civil society organizations in many fields regularly refer to our work
- Our NEWSLETTER keeps thousands of supporters informed
- We counter the false narratives put out by the wealth-funded anti-tax lobby
- We fight for a government for the people, not corporate lobbyists
- We are Canada's most respected economists on fair taxation
Who can give?
- We accept donations from Canadian individuals and organizations.
- We do not accept donations from corporations or governments.
Why give monthly?
- It gives us a predictable income as we budget for the future
- It saves us time and energy, instead of regularly asking our donors for money
- It cuts down our admin work significantly
- It means more of our time, and your donation, is going towards the research
- It's an easy way to budget your donations, just giving a little every month
- You can choose any amount you like - even just 1$ per day
Click here to Donate Once
Note: We don't have charitable status, because Canadian governments have used withdrawing that status to pressure organizations to be less critical of government policies, and we must maintain or freedom of advocacy and independence. (We consequently can't offer tax receipts.)